Sunday, May 3, 2020

My Internet Footprint

Maintaining a Professional Internet Presence

I do feel like I have a big online presence, but I'm not sure how much of an impact it makes. I have almost all of the big social media platforms, about 7 total, but I feel like unless you have a million followers and a blue check mark. 
I have accounts on twitter, facebook, snapchat, tik tok, linkedin, pinterest, vsco, and more. I’ve had most of these counts since I was around 13 years old, and check them daily. I don't post as often, but I am definitely kept up to date on others posts.  
I don't put much of my life out on social media, but mostly people would see two things. First they would see cool places I’ve been or fun events, as I only post when something special happens. My feed is full of formal pics, cruise stops, adventures in DC, and fun memories at HPU. It's fun to invite people to look into the fun memories and events that have happened in your life.
In today's society it's normal to give out your information over the internet. It's very common to give out instagram handles, snapchats, and phone numbers. It's common to make “internet friends” and bond with those you have never met, making it common to give out your personal information. My generation is very internet friendly, and feels more comfortable sharing their information than other generations. I personally don't like to give out my information. I give out my snapchat sometimes, but rarely give out my number.
While it's easy to meet people and be friends with them through a screen, it's important to remember internet friends and internet standards do not define you. Many people often lose themselves trying to meet the standards the internet sets, that is almost impossible to achieve. This causes many to feel lonely and isolated, having an effect on mental health.

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