Sunday, May 3, 2020

Privacy on the internet

How Congress can fix internet privacy rule - CNN

To pretend that any account you have or any presence you have on the internet can be kept private is laughable after watching these Ted Talks. Whether you like it or not, the internet collects your data and keeps it either for producers and the government, and the scary part is that it's LEGAL. That's right, it's legal to obtain data involving you and your internet accounts for data. 

The Harvard Gazette explained that “being monitored by corporations and even governments is just a fact of modern life”. How scary is it that someone is watching your every move online, and documenting it without your consent. I wouldn't be surprised if someone from google isn’t watching this being typed right now. 

Not only are we watched on the internet, but if you own a car in the US, its more than likely they have a digital map that has documented your whereabouts for who knows how long. Those poles with lights and radars? Not speed traps, just the police tracking your location “incase” it's needed in the future. Sorry, but I just don't understand how that is legal. While it makes sense to prove you weren't or were somewhere if need be, it is highly unlikely that the majority of this data will ever be used. That's why I think it's unnecessary. 

Many say that our presence on the internet is like a tattoo, it can fade with time but it'll never go away. This can be a good and bad thing, but proves we really have no privacy on the internet.

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