Wednesday, September 9, 2020

"Very On Brand" - An Introduction of Me and my Future Career

 “Outgoing”, “loud”, and “energetic” are words people use to describe me after talking to me for 5 minutes. I can’t really say I disagree with them. Ever since I was young I was always the loudest, most outgoing in my class. You would think I would be more introverted being an only child for the first 15 years of my life, but I turned out quite the opposite. I grew up in Berwyn Heights, Maryland, where my mom was well known and well loved. My dad was a DC firefighter and lived 30 minutes away. My mom and I lived with my grandparents until my freshman year of high school. My grandma worked as an office executive for Exxon Mobil, and my grandpa worked as a carpenter and went fishing on the weekends. I grew up with the joke that my mom was my grandpa’s favorite and I was my grandma’s, as while they went camping and fishing, we went to charity galas and plays at the Kennedy Center. My favorite childhood memories are going to work with my grandma and sitting in the visitors office, with my notepad and a bagel from K Street Bagels. Growing up I always had the same dream: to have a big house, lots of money, and a happy family with a LOT of dogs. I always wanted a big family because I was an only child, until my 15th birthday. The best present I ever received was my little sister, Layla. We may be 15 years apart, but she has become my best friend and one of my favorite people on this planet. 

When trying to describe me, I think of the things that my friends would say are “on brand”. These are usually things that consume my life, play some sort of effect on my personality, or that I claim is a part of my personality. The thing at the very top of the list is, and always will be, hockey. I grew up with all boys and family members who either played hockey or were die hard fans. I grew up going to games, calling our suite tenant “Aunt Diane”. Another thing that I absolutely love, and is a part of my everyday life, is dunkin. My dunkin ladies are some of my favorite ladies, and coffee gives me a kick start to having a good day. Lastly, my love for dogs is a big part of who I am. Whether it’s surprising my family with a dog, volunteering at a dog shelter, petting every dog I see, or crying at a dog movie, dogs are my favorite little cuddle buddies. 

All these things play into who I am and what I want to be when I grow up. Being able to make my outgoing and talkative personality a career through the major of strat comm has made me so excited for the future. I hope to work at Exxon like my grandma did, and become an international lobbyist. Ive always been good with words and communicating with others, and being able to travel the world has been a dream of mine. 

College, Oil, Travel

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