Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Twitter and Diffusion of Innovation

Twitter Success Tips

Twitter is one of the most used social media platforms up to date. Twitter is used by the common citizen, celebrities, politicians, and companies all over the world. Twitter is most commonly used to spread news, publicly stating our opinion, and commenting on other people's tweets. Twitter blew up when marketing companies realized that social media was an up and coming way to market their brand. It was the easiest way to reach people and get them to notice your product. One retweet from the right person and hundreds of thousands of people will see the tweet. 

Twitter then became one of the best ways to spread the news about your product or program. While this can be a good thing, there is also a negative side when it comes to a less professional account. You can tweet pretty much anything you want, without consequences, unless the wrong person were to see it. Next thing you know, thousands are seeing something that they could take out of context and get offended and use against you to ruin your reputation and your company's reputation.

It's great that twitter is used as a resource to state your opinion, but it's important to remember words can be twisted and interpreted wrong. It's a great way to feel personally connected to people, but not everyone is actually what they seem to on the internet. Specially twitter. 

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