Sunday, May 3, 2020

Negatives of Social Media in a Pandemic

5 Negative Effects of Social Media on People and Users

Today, I got a notification on my phone, looked at it, and laughed. It was my screentime from the past week, telling me my time went 10% down as now, my average time is 7 hours and 41 minutes a day. To think that I spent more time on my phone in one day than I would have spent if we were back at school in classrooms is crazy, and it's insane to think that I am not the only one. Middle schoolers, high schoolers, college students, and adults are spending more time on their phones and social media than ever. 

During this time, we spend so much time on social media. Regularly, social media causes us to be insecure, lonely, and depressed. We spend so much time staring at the screen, we mess up our daily routines and our sleep schedules. Being home and with school coming to an end, we now have the time to spare spending more than the average time on social media. Not to mention, the content is changing and adapting to the pandemic as well. Many are tweeting about their negative thoughts and feelings being stuck insight into the house and not allowed out, so it's causing a world of online negativity. 

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