Monday, May 4, 2020

Positive Effects of Social Media

The Positive Effects of Social Media on Kids and Teens

Social media can't be all bad, right? Our parents tell us that it rots our brains, lowers our self esteem, and lets us set unrealistic expectations for ourselves, which is all true. But using the internet the right way, and benefitting from all the resources it offers us, can help us grow and educate us on topics we did not know before. 

Social media like Youtube allows us to learn so many things. From cooking, organizing, and at home workouts, we have the ability to improve our lifestyles at the tip of our fingers. We have endless options of recipes, endless workouts, available to us for free. And it's not even limited to this. We can learn how to get better at public speaking, how to do hair and makeup, tips on training a dog, and more. 

Social media also gives us the opportunity to connect with those not close to us. Whether it's a simple like or nice comment, we’re able to build community and connect with one another. We are able to have interesting conversations, debate topics, and speak our mind. Social media can be like a public journal, that allows comments and sparks interest in conversations. We are able to connect and build character, and help learn how to love ourselves better and improve our lives. 

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